Friday, October 1, 2010

Faith or Fear?

This morning I was in my Institute class where we've been studying the Doctrine and Covenants.  The question my teacher posed to open the class discussion was to think of five reasons why I need the Atonement of Jesus Christ in my life.  My initial thought was because I'm a dork and do things I shouldn't (not really bad things mind you... but just things I shouldn't) daily. 

As our discussion finished and the class was wrapping up someone brought up the concept of having enough faith in the Savior and our Father in Heaven to do what they would have us do.  (Did that make sense?  Hope so.)  That really struck a chord with me.  I'm quickly approaching a crossroad in my life (graduation, getting a big kid job, mission?, dating??, moving out again, etc.), where I'm faced with several decisions that can and will play a major role concerning my future (see list above).  It became clear to me today that while I've made what I thought would be the best decision (mind you decision making in general is kind of a downfall of mine, in general), that my rational behind making them was of a very selfish nature. 

Thus today my frame of mind has been changed.  Today I'm looking my fear (of life) in the eyeballs and have made the decision that I'll conquer it!  BAM! ROASTED!!  Today I commit that I'm going to move forward with faith rather than fretting in fear.

On a liter note: Yesterday I was sick with that crappy cold that's going around and wanted to die in my bed as I was listening to John Bytheway (don't mock me).  But today I'm surviving work and my head only feels like a balloon with a perturbing stuffy nose (on only one side... how does that work??).  Huzzah!!  Welp, at least I'm getting the bug over and will be done with prior to Field...  :) 

Welp, use hand sanitizer and even if you're sick, be grateful cause it means your alive. :)


  1. Hey beautiful! First off, I love your posts, you are just incredible, you know it? Second, do any of the other cousins have blogs? I'd love to keep in touch with them too!

  2. Kaylie, You're such a sweetheart! I hate that you live so far away, otherwise we'd party all the time I only know about Mel and Andrew's blog and yours. Sorry! :( I'll keep my eyes peeled. Loves!
