Friday, May 14, 2010

Mexico or Bust!

The countdown has officially begun: 31 days and counting!

That's right friends, in 31 days I'll be climbing aboard an airplane that is headed to the land of eternal warmth: MEXICO!! Woot woot! It's been such a long and sometimes painful, but overall wonderful process to get to this point. There have been what seems like countless hours spent at the TRC and playing with handicap children (know - rough huh? ;) Hee hee.). Monthly drives to Salt Lake, and what seems like and infinite number of emails sent to various people.
...BUT it's all going to be worth it!

I can't really put into words the emotions that are running through me at this time. Part of me wants to scream from the rooftops and share my excitement, while an entirely different part of me wants to curl up and cry; no so much for myself but for the children with whom I know I'll fall in love with.

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