Tuesday, May 24, 2011

All in the Eye of the Beholder

A word that is feared, loathed, loved, craved for and for a select few...
it is truly achieved.

Perfection is a funny concept... 

Some would claim that perfection cannot be attained,
and to some degree I agree with you.

Others would attest that perfection can be achieved, 
to this I also agree.  

While some see perfection as an "ideal body"... whatever that means, personality, teeth, ability or inability, character traits, talents,  etc.

I think perfection all lies in the eyes of the beholder.  

You see, while perfection is everything it is to you...I don't think it's always consistent; even to you.  As time, age, and experience all take their toll on life.... it likewise changes the way perfection is perceived.

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